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This component has been updated! New ending shapes added

o-arc web component

<o-arc> is a standard and vanilla web-component for rendering a radial arcs or pies. By default there are up to 60 arcs elements per orbit.

Look and feel

Changing arc border and colors

To change o-arc colors use CSS custom var --o-fill for background, --o-stroke for border, and --o-stroke-width for border-width in a o-arc style.

Changing endings

o-arc has one special attribute: shape to define different endings. You can choose between circle (or circle-a), circle-b, arrow, bullet, rounded, slash, backslash, zizag shapes. Default none.

Adjust o-arc size

Each o-arc has one orbit space size, but it can be finely adjusted using the CSS class utility .shrink-10 to .shrink-90, allowing the vectors to shrink by a specified percentage.

On opposite way, the CSS class utility .grow-0x to .grow-12x, allowing vector to expand by a multiple of .orbit size. It is possible to use decimal fractions. For example, .grow-0.1x, .grow-10.7x, etc.

Adjust o-arc gaps

.gap-*: Set a gap space between o-arcs ranging from 0 to 30,

Adjusting radial layout

Arbitrary o-arc angle.

.angle-*: Set starting point angle from 0 to 360 degrees, overrriding automatic radial arragement.

Relative o-arc orbital position

By default, o-arc is positioned in the middle of orbit path. To change that, there some CSS utilities:

.inner-orbit: To place ano-arc just below its orbit.

.outer-orbit: To place o-arc just above its orbit.

.quarter-inner-orbit: To place o-arc a 25% into its orbit.

.quarter-outer-orbit: To place o-arc a 25% outer its orbit.

Rendering curved text.

Changing text colors

Font colors, size and other font properties

To change o-arc any CSS font properties just added in a o-arc style or class.

Background colors

To change o-arc background color use CSS custom var --o-fill in a o-arc style.

Changing text justification

Use text-anchor attribute

o-arc has one special attribute: text-anchor to arrange its content. You can choose between start, middle, and end values.

Use flip attribute

o-arc allows upside down its content to using flip attribute. Useful to make text more legible.

Use fit-range attribute

o-arc allows distribute its content to fill text-length using fit-range attribute.

Use o-arc to create charts

To create pie / sunburst or donut charts simple use attribute value from 0 to 100 in o-arc.