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.capsule is a class to put text or another content. Currently, it can be used into satellites and sides.

  • Alignment: By default, capsule is placed at center of satellite or side. This behavior can be altered using alignment utility classes such as .center-left, .center-right, .top-left, .top-center, .top-right, .bottom-left, .bottom-center, and .bottom-right.

Besides that, to stablish capsule position following CSS classes can be set:

  • horizontal: to mantain content always horizontal.

  • turn-left: to turn content 90deg left

  • turn-right: to turn content 90deg right

  • flip: to turn content upside-down.

  • Look and feel: Capsules are initially invisible but can be customized by adding border and background properties.

satellites with capsule

Sides with capsule